Kamela Love, Transformational Relationship Coach, Senior Love Coach, EFT/Tapping Practitioner, and Sacred Sexual Healer, brings to her teaching and coaching 25+ years of studying the Mystic Sufi path, 14+ years of personal and professional development, 10+ years of transformational relationship and life coaching, 25+ years of communication and conflict resolution training and a huge dose of passion! Kamela is known for helping her clients communicate from a conscious balance of love, clarity, and power in their intimate and family relationships. She particularly loves working with couples/triads in alternative relationship structures, such as polyamory, and folks in the LGBTQIA community.
"In one couple’s session with Kamela, I was able to heal the origin of the part of me that’s been holding me back that I wasn’t even aware of! This work is priceless - to be able to heal one of my core wounds, the feelings that had me wanting to commit suicide and feeling so incredibly lonely... I healed that world in one amazing session with Kamela. And, as if that weren’t enough, I was also able to stand in my divine masculine and support my partner through a major breakdown and help her find her voice and speak from a powerful place because of the tools Kamela shared with us!"
- AR / Transformational Fitness Coach
Meleza S Morris [they/she/he] is an Intimacy Coach & Coordinator for TV & Film, a Shamanatrix and Foodie. They are committed to a movement that helps to create impactful solutions in the Sexual Revolution - a Sexual and Consensual Awakening. They desire to connect through creative and pioneering conversations and lay pathways to defeat adversity; building bridges around gender, erotic empowerment, body positivity, consent and empowered choice. Meleza is a force of love and extends an open invitation for shameless pleasure and limitless possibilities.
"Thank you so much for everything! Some of the best days of my life were spent integrating and expanding with Meleza. There were times that we became one - unified and balanced physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I now have the most confidence and happiness I have ever had. Meleza helped me feel loved, valued, attractive, and desired. Everyone needs to know what an incredible difference Meleza makes in the lives that they come into contact with."
How do we repair a quibble? Is it possible to find resolution in a clear, caring and supportive manner? This workshop explores the nuances of conflict resolution, rupture-repair systems and clearing conversations. Kamela Love and Meleza S. Morris have united forces and created a hybrid framework to help folks communicate vulnerably and with integrity when s*it hits the fan. Our 90-minute workshop shifts the drama of stories, meaning-making and misunderstandings into a fertile ground for compassion and empathy.
We know being poly takes a lot of time & energy. These transformational tools offer an opportunity to learn how to reconnect when the sticky parts in relationships are brought to the surface. This framework will help you to feel empowered when conflict arises and will support you to lovingly and speedily move through the “s*it show” into a cuddle puddle. If you’re ready to take control of your sovereignty, agency, and stress levels, join us for a deep dive into shaking things up and consciously alchemizing disharmony and dis-ease in relationships.
What to Bring
Your curiosity, something to write notes with (if you wish), and perhaps partners you may want to practice with in the future (if available).
Sign up for this workshop or join ALL our events FREE for 14 days with our VIP Trial of The Secure Poly Collective (more details below).
Video recordings will be available for viewing up to 14 days after the events go live.