We’re excited to have you join us for The Secure Poly Experience
An Immersive & Transformational Weekend!
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We’re offering complimentary post event integration calls on three nights following the Weekend Immersion to make sure you’re supported beyond the event. Spots are limited, so please grab your spot early below:
Be sure to join our Facebook Event Group called The Secure Poly Experience:
The Ultimate Open Relationship Toolkit:
1) Pre-Recorded Workshop, 5 Steps to Identify & Resolve Open Relationship Blind Spots: https://bit.ly/3r4BcI0
2)Â S.P.A.R.C.
- Conflict Resolution Training Video: https://bit.ly/2VMb7AC
- Tools for Relationship Mastery eBook: https://bit.ly/35hricD
3) The Open Relationship Type Guide:Â https://bit.ly/2YiM3Dk
4) The Conscious Open Relationship Rules Agreement Guide: https://bit.ly/2Wbvy9c
BONUS e-books:
The Naked Truth: How I Saved my Life by Becoming a Stripper by Maria Merloni: https://bit.ly/3fnQzJf
Polyamory Roadmap: Negotiate Open Relationship Rules with More Pleasure & Less Heartache by Baba Dez & KamalaDevi McClure: https://bit.ly/3wb9DQX
The Only Proven Way To Restore A Marriage by Derek Hart: https://bit.ly/3cnlDa2