In this Q&A and Ask Me Anything Session, we will be diving into your biggest questions while also addressing topics in polyamory such as:
- What are the main reasons Polyamorous relationships break up?
- What can people do better to go into poly relationships more consciously?
- What are the biggest mismatches in poly relationships?
- What are some of the ways poly breakups can be navigated more peacefully?

Jessica Fern
Jessica Fern is the author of Polysecure. In her book, Polyamorous psychotherapist Jessica Fern breaks new ground by extending attachment theory into the realm of consensual nonmonogamy. Using her nested model of attachment and trauma, she expands our understanding of how emotional experiences can influence our relationships. Then, she sets out six specific strategies to help you move toward secure attachments in your multiple relationships. Polysecure is both a trailblazing theoretical treatise and a practical guide.
Jessica grew up in a neighborhood well acquainted with violence and a family considerably impacted by divorce, multi-generational trauma, substance abuse and interpersonal discord. The effects of these experiences were challenging for many years, but through the therapeutic process, she was able to reclaim her strength, build resiliency, create relationships that she was nourished by and live from a heart that was open instead of fearfully protected. This journey began with investing her time and resources in workshops, retreats and therapy in order to heal herself, rewire her reactivity, re-invent certain relationships, while letting go of others and comfortably stand in the ways she was different.
This process wasn’t easy or linear (and is always ongoing!), but eventually evolved into committing her life to the study and application of conflict resolution, therapy, transformation, communication and body-based mindfulness practices. Her personal and professional journey has led her to the knowing that she finds the most meaning and inspiration through collaborating with others who are looking for growth and change in their lives or relationships—people who no longer want to be held back from what the past, culture, or norms say should be, but instead want to live through their preferred expressions of self, relationship and reality.
Join Lea Aella as she co-facilitates a Q&A session with our expert guest Jessica Fern.

Trauma Informed Open
Relationship Guide
This is your chance to ask your biggest questions surrounding polyamory, while Lea will also ask:
- What are the main reasons Polyamorous relationships break up?
- What can people do better to go into poly relationships more consciously?
- What are the biggest mismatches in poly relationships?
- What are some of the ways poly breakups can be navigated more peacefully?
Recordings will be available for viewing up to 14 days after the event.
Join us on Wednesday, April 27th at 12:00PM ET / 9:00 AM PT
Ask Me Anything About Poly
Q&A with Poly Experts Jessica & Lea
VIP Membership
Our monthly classes, events and workshops are INCLUDED in The Secure Poly VIP Membership Trial to help you create more fun, secure and conscious open relationships.
The Benefits of
The Secure Poly Collective VIP Membership
At Leveled Up Love, we know how incredibly difficult it can be to be in an intimate open relationship and how easy it is to get triggered, stuck in old patterns of relating, and caught in cycles of reactivity with the ones closest to us, and more importantly how difficult it can be to find resources, community, and support.
We also know that there is a spectrum of open relationships within polyamory, which is why we created The Secure Poly Collective VIP Membership, a membership program with a series of expert workshops and poly events designed to help transform your open relationships into a place where everyone thrives in open love.

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