[FREE EVENT] Poly Social & Speed Dating

Leveled Up Love is bringing you our new Poly Social & Speed Dating event, in collaboration with humhum, specifically for folks who date non-monogamously.
And, it is now FREE to join (for a limited time).
humhum is a platform for virtual conscious connections and dating. This 2-3 hour, immersive, and guided experience is for the Leveled Up Love community; it’s like date-night, but in community. humhum pairs modern-day dating with ancient wisdom practices to offer a fun space for you to show up for romance.
The evening may also include a surprise impromptu presentation & a very brief intro to The Secure Poly Collective, a series of transformative workshops to help you break free from jealousy in polyamory and create more meaningful and loving open relationships. The Secure Poly Collective program is also free to try for 30 days.
So come play, flirt, and experience connection.
Open your heart and cultivate the qualities you seek in relationships:
*Personal accountability
We practice in small group playdates (not the sexy kind, but still sexy). You’ll connect with others through guided thoughtful dialogue, mindfulness, and movement.
At humhum, we believe in the magic of connection, where spontaneity meets free flow. The kind of magic where your heart opens, your eyes widen, and you meet yourself anew within each new exchange.
Every time you show up, you show up as you, for you.
And hey, who knows, you might just meet your match!
GROUND IN THE SELF: The group is guided in meditation to bring awareness into the body, and into the present moment.
SHARE EXPERIENCE: In group dates and one-on-one breakout sessions, individuals will connect over a playful and meaningful prompt that engages the mind, body, and heart that invite you into yourself, and into connection with others.
EXCHANGE WORDS: Each person will have the opportunity to share and be witnessed, as well as listen and hold space. Pairs will share in conscious dialogue as well as open, free-flowing conversation.
NOTE CURIOSITY: After having the chance to exchange with several people, participants will observe internally how they felt in the presence of each— perhaps intrigued, inspired, excited, eased (or not) in the presence of another. They'll also note if there was someone they didn't get to meet whom they wished they were able to have met. Participants privately indicate who they’re drawn to know a layer deeper still. Pairs who privately express mutual interest to connect will be connected following the event.
Will I meet everyone at the experience?
You’ll meet several through meaningful and playful exchanges, but not everyone.
Do I get to choose who I interact with?
Nope. This is a practice in surrender, opening, and curiosity. Like in any space, there will be folks you want to continue connecting with and others where the exchanges feel complete in the here and now. View these interactions as dating practice knowing that of course, some people could be potential romantic interests.
This experience will be some method but mostly magic. Because we understand human nature, and how we naturally feel called to or drawn to certain people in group experiences, we offer something called Free-Will Connection, which allows you to indicate on a private form if there was someone who you didn't meet, who you’d like to connect with. If that sentiment is reciprocated, we connect you two following the experience.
Sign up for this FREE event and explore our 30-Day Trial Membership, called The Secure Poly Collective. Details are below.