The Secure Poly Immersion
A 3-Hour Workshop For Conscious Open Relationships
presented by

KamalaDevi McClure
Author, A PolyamorousQueer, Kinky Love Story

Derek Hart
Emotional AttunementSaturday November 13th, 2021
4PM Eastern / 1PM Pacific
Saturday November 13th, 2021
4PM Eastern / 1PM Pacific
Join Our 3-Hour Journey Into Conscious Open Relationships With Our All Star Team:

Lea Aella
Trauma Informed OpenRelationship Guide

Jessica Fern
Author of PolySecure
KamalaDevi McClure
Author, A PolyamorousQueer, Kinky Love Story

Derek Hart
Emotional Attunement
Shai Fishman
Co-FounderLeveled Up Love
4:00PM-4:55PM ET / 1:00PM-1:55PM PT
The Secure Poly Toolkit
Lea Aella, Trauma Informed Open Relationship Guide
In this module of The Secure Poly Toolkit, Lea offers her 1st of 3 pillars: Exploration, Co-Regulation, and Self-Regulation. You'll get an insider look at Lea’s stable of CPTSD and trauma-centered tools and frameworks such as attachment theory and love languages to explore and regulate jealousy.
For some of us, polyamory is a walk in the park. For others, it's left us scratching our heads on why we chose this in the first place. Sometimes, open relating feels just plain HARD. If there are triggers that kill your behavioral patterns that feel like a mystery, and fights that don't budge, this session could provide the insight you're looking for. In the words of one trauma expert, "You are not broken. You are hurt and in need of care." This session is a warm, nurturing, and shame-free environment for you to learn a healthy blueprint for caring for yourself and others. Here we dispense with the new-age myth that we are needy, codependent, or broken while cultivating a healthy balance between connection and autonomy to peacefully meet everyone's needs.
Short 5-Minute Break
5:00PM-5:55PM ET / 2:00PM-2:55PM PT
Live Q&A Session
KamalaDevi McClure, Author, A Polyamorous Queer, Kinky Love Story
KamalaDevi McClure is a mystic, muse, and mentor. (Pronouns: they/them aka KD) As a pansexual, genderqueer art activist, KD has authored seven books. They’ve starred on Showtime’s reality TV series, Polyamory: Married & Dating, and been featured on Dr. Drew, Tyra Banks, and the award-winning documentary, Sex Magic. After almost 20 years of teaching tantra, sacred sexuality, and temple arts around the world, KD currently lives by the ocean with their husband and son in San Diego where they are on a virtual book tour for 2 new books: Sex Shamans and 52 Fridays.
You'll have access to KamalaDevi for a full hour for a Q&A session to answer all of your burning open relationship questions!
Short 5-Minute Break
6:00PM-7:00PM ET / 3:00PM-4:00PM PT
Emotional Attunement
Derek Hart, Attachment Expert & Couples Rebuilder
When Marriage Counselors hit a wall and find themselves unable to help partners reconcile, they call Derek, for a reason. He helps partners rebuild relationships that were terminal by most measures.
Derek will facilitate interpersonal attunement activities using his 30,000+ hours of attachment-informed partner counseling. You will take away skills that focus on heart-forward vulnerable communication.
7:00PM-7:30PM ET / 4:00PM-4:30PM PT
[Optional] Overtime w/ Derek, Closing Remarks & Feedback
Shai Fishman, Co-Founder, Leveled Up Love & The Secure Poly Experience
A Polyamory Mastery Workshop: 5 Steps To Revealing Blind Spots
Complete Conflict Resolution Training - Video & Ebook
The Open Relationship Type Guide
The Open Relationship Agreement Guide
Video recordings will be available for viewing up to 14 days after the events go live.
Payment Options
Students or Seniors
Special Discount
Solo Polyamorists
Couples, Throuples
or Quads
VIP Membership
Our Expert Polyamory Workshop is INCLUDED in The Secure Poly VIP Membership Trial, a series of transformative online events to help you create more fun, secure and conscious open relationships.
Try it Free for 30 Days!
In our 3-hour group immersion, filled with a toolkit presentation, a Q&A session, and a powerful emotional attunement workshop, you’ll discover:

How to End the Endless Poly Fights!
Fights over open relationships can really suck! We’re supposed to be loving more, not fighting more! Discover the blueprints to move from open relationship ruptures to repairs much faster, leaving you and your partner(s) even closer than before.
Learn how to get out of your head and into your heart by tapping into an instant state of compassion and empathy you never thought was possible. We will teach you powerful emotional attunement skills.
How to Conquer Jealousy and Find Serenity
Did you know that there are different types of jealousy?! Well, understanding them is key to resolving different emotions and resolving conflicts faster. Those inevitable moments of unexpected jealousy can also lead you to feel shame for not being “poly enough”. This can make you feel rather lonely and helpless. We’ve got your back! We’ll empower you with the specific tools needed to help you regulate your own strong emotions when your partner is with someone else and you’re in distress.
How To Win At Poly Dating & Create Awesome Group Experiences
Open relationships bring with them some unique dating challenges most are not prepared for. Learn the strategies for dating as a polyamorous person and learn how to manifest conscious group experiences to bring more play and adventure into your relationships.

How to Get a Deeper Sense of Fulfillment from Conscious Open Relationships
Polyamory is not just about more $ex with more people. Ethical Non-monogamy can actually be about deep personal growth, transformative healing, and real opportunities to be in service to others. It’s crucial to explore which of your needs are the real driving force to be in an open relationship.

How To Help Struggling Partners With Past Traumas
Ultimately a poly relationship is only as strong as the “sum of its parts”. If one person has not done the prerequisite work, then everyone struggles! When all the rationale and talk therapy in the world doesn’t move the needle from poly panic to poly security, you need to look at deeper past wounds. Learn about healing modalities, such as Gentle Reprocessing & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE), that help struggling partners release some of their past wounds and show up to their relationships at their best.
Secure Emotional Attachment & Polyamory Are Finally Coming Together!
Learn More About Leveled Up Love:

Look, we get it... because we’ve been there!
You’re in (or thinking about) an open relationship because one or both of you wanna love more than one. Instead, you’re just managing more jealousy and more frustration... But Polyamory is maturing and we are reinventing how to navigate our open relationships in a more conscious way.
“When you learn how to achieve true emotional security in an open relationship, and can move beyond just ethical non-monogamy, you’ll discover a deeper form of open relating that only comes from knowing how to give each partner the comfort they need.”
- Derek Hart
Ready To Go From Poly Panic to Poly Security?
In this transformational 3-hour workshop, we’ll take a deeper dive into answering these common questions:
We’ll also dive deeper into these questions:

What Others Have to Say!
“I reached out to Shai when I felt like I had used up all of my resources in navigating a tough spot in my primary relationship. After listening to me recap the situation, Shai shared a couple of very useful models of communication, especially SPARC, which is basically a framework for Non-violent communication that really allows you and your partner to see and listen to each other’s feelings and needs. I literally went home and used SPARC that very evening after speaking with Shai and it was the most beautiful and helpful conversation I’d had with my partner in a month. My partner was also ready to adopt this framework so we are happy to have this tool in our kit now. I’m super grateful for Shai’s stepping in during that crucial moment!”
- Chelsey Kap
“Paul and I, despite our deep love, were struggling with communications that always seemed to lead to misunderstandings and upset feelings. During one of our misunderstandings, I felt Paul had given up on me. Looking for a space to vent, and gather my thoughts to decide on my future, this is when I found Shai and Lea. Initially, I thought this would be some sort of conflict resolution exercise, but instead, we were met with a safe and compassionate space. This was a pivotal moment for us, grounding us and rediscovering not only what brought us together in the beginning, but why we need each other now.”
- Sarah
We Can Show You How To Go From Poly Panic to Poly Security!
Did you know that you can’t just rationalize jealousy away?
For many people jealous feelings are tied to past wounding experiences that are buried deep inside their subconscious minds. It’s about time to understand how nervous systems & attachment styles play a critical role in open relationships.
From there you can learn how to apply this knowledge to manage jealousy better and find the security you’ve been searching for.

The Secure Poly Immersion Will Transform Your “Relationship With Relationships!”
After this Workshop, you'll be empowered with the critical tools and expert guidance you need to start building trust, finding joy, and thriving in your own conscious open relationships.

4:00PM-4:55PM ET / 1:00PM-1:55PM PT
The Secure Poly Toolkit
Lea Aella, Trauma Informed Open Relationship Guide
In this module of The Secure Poly Toolkit, Lea offers her 1st of 3 pillars: Exploration, Co-Regulation, and Self-Regulation. You'll get an insider look at Lea’s stable of CPTSD and trauma-centered tools and frameworks such as attachment theory and love languages to explore and regulate jealousy.
For some of us, polyamory is a walk in the park. For others, it's left us scratching our heads on why we chose this in the first place. Sometimes, open relating feels just plain HARD. If there are triggers that kill your behavioral patterns that feel like a mystery, and fights that don't budge, this session could provide the insight you're looking for. In the words of one trauma expert, "You are not broken. You are hurt and in need of care." This session is a warm, nurturing, and shame-free environment for you to learn a healthy blueprint for caring for yourself and others. Here we dispense with the new-age myth that we are needy, codependent, or broken while cultivating a healthy balance between connection and autonomy to peacefully meet everyone's needs.
Short 5-Minute Break
5:00PM-5:55PM ET / 2:00PM-2:55PM PT
Live Q&A Session
KamalaDevi McClure, Author, A Polyamorous Queer, Kinky Love Story
KamalaDevi McClure is a mystic, muse, and mentor. (Pronouns: they/them aka KD) As a pansexual, genderqueer art activist, KD has authored seven books. They’ve starred on Showtime’s reality TV series, Polyamory: Married & Dating, and been featured on Dr. Drew, Tyra Banks, and the award-winning documentary, Sex Magic. After almost 20 years of teaching tantra, sacred sexuality, and temple arts around the world, KD currently lives by the ocean with their husband and son in San Diego where they are on a virtual book tour for 2 new books: Sex Shamans and 52 Fridays.
You'll have access to KamalaDevi for a full hour for a Q&A session to answer all of your burning open relationship questions!
Short 5-Minute Break
6:00PM-7:00PM ET / 3:00PM-4:00PM PT
Emotional Attunement
Derek Hart, Attachment Expert & Couples Rebuilder
When Marriage Counselors hit a wall and find themselves unable to help partners reconcile, they call Derek, for a reason. He helps partners rebuild relationships that were terminal by most measures.
Derek will facilitate interpersonal attunement activities using his 30,000+ hours of attachment-informed partner counseling. You will take away skills that focus on heart-forward vulnerable communication.
7:00PM-7:30PM ET / 4:00PM-4:30PM PT
[Optional] Overtime w/ Derek, Closing Remarks & Feedback
Shai Fishman, Co-Founder, Leveled Up Love & The Secure Poly Experience
A Polyamory Mastery Workshop: 5 Steps To Revealing Blind Spots
Complete Conflict Resolution Training - Video & Ebook
The Open Relationship Type Guide
The Open Relationship Agreement Guide
“Leveled Up Love has provided so many people a sacred space to be vulnerable, receive support, and expand their minds on all things love and communication. What the community leaders have created is high-level, conscious, and full of wonderful information that people are so desperately in need of right now. I am grateful for this space - whether it be for sharing, listening, or educating others.”
- Erin
"Shai and Lea have created a community that provides a juicy, fun, safe space for lovers to talk about sacred touch, intentional relating, polyamory and much more. This is a place where I feel at ease, seen, and where I learn from those who share their views with conviction and humbleness. It feels like a well-tended garden, like a living room where you can learn and talk about relating. Listening in and contributing has been fun, informative, and has brought deep reflections, I am so thankful for this space."
- Enrico
This workshop is a one-of-a-kind immersion into the complex world of conscious open relationships.
We have gathered some of the top minds in the field to share a deep dive into understanding poly security and the critical emotional components of ethical non-monogamy.
Whether you’re an open relationship wiz, brand new to this lifestyle, or you’re just considering opening up for the first time, The Secure Poly Experience is here to support you on your journey to find healing, security, and adventure in conscious open relationships.
Our expert panel includes popular polyamory authors and speakers, Jessica Fern and KamalaDevi McClure who are taking the open relationship world by storm with their teachings on the complexities and nuances of non-monogamy.
This IS for you if:
This IS NOT for you if:
Hi, we’re Lea and Shai, founders of Leveled Up Love!

To say we “struggled” is an understatement. At the start of our relationship, we went through hell and back, and we almost called it quits many times along the way.
The one thing that got us through was the continual discovery of new tools and mindsets that gave us hope.
Afterward, we knew that we couldn’t keep this new-found knowledge to ourselves! We needed to share it with other like-minded souls to help them through the same tough times and make their way out to the other side, just like we did!
At Leveled Up Love, we stand with those struggling with intense jealousy and their partners, who desperately want to see their anxious loved ones feel safe.
We offer the critical tools, expert guidance, and a compassionate community, so partners can rebuild trust, find joy, and thrive again in their conscious open relationships!
With us, open-relators can feel safe, seen, loved, and fully expressed while also having the freedom to explore other relationship adventures that lead to fulfilling growth, healing, and service to others.
This Monthly 3-hour immersion is something we wish existed before jumping into our open relationship. Had we known these secrets before we dove in headfirst, it would’ve made the transition from mono to poly 100x smoother, easier, and more peaceful.